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Summer Camp
All. Summer. Long.

Our Solution:
Over 94% of students in Poughkeepsie qualify for free lunch.
This means that in the summer many don't have access to meals.
Provide a nutritious breakfast and
lunch ensure that no child is EVER left hungry.
By 5th grade cumulative years of summer learning loss will leave low-income
students 3 years behind their high-income peers.
During the summer, many children are left unsupervised for several hours every day. This lack of supervision leads to children hanging out in dangerous locations throughout Poughkeepsie and being exposed to drugs, gang violence, and other illegal activities. When school is not in session, many children do not have access to healthy meals or food at all. Study's have proven that low-income students lose 2-3 of reading and math achievement to the lack of access to academic activities. While summer care options are available, most families do not have the resources to enroll their child in a program that will provide activities, fun academic resources and positive social interactions.
Provide fun academic activities for children that keep them engaged
& interested in math, reading & science
Our summer program exists to provide a safe environment for kids to come and socialize with peers. So often children are left home alone for the summer with little social interaction and activity. Our summer program is a day camp that provides games, crafts, academic enrichment, electives, field trips, and daily bible studies. Each week we focus on a different academic skill in a fun and exciting way to encourage each child to improve on an individual level. During our time together we provide 2 nutritious and filling meals, prepared by our in-house chef. We provide scholarships for children to ensure that NO CHILD IS TURNED AWAY based on their financial stability. We currently serve children ages 7-14 and are in the process of developing teen programs for older students.
Our program runs Mon.-Fri. ALL SUMMER LONG
with a field trip each Friday.
61% of families in Poughkeepsie are single parent homes, which leaves many kids left unsupervised during the summer while their parent is at work
The Problem:
Provide a place for kids to come and Socialize
with peers in a safe environment
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